Only the thing is, you can’t spoil the plot because you’ve already seen it a thousand times. It’s called a Western. The handsome new guy comes to town, meets a beautiful woman (the schoolmarm, rancher’s daughter or, in this case, the Indian princess) who disses him at first. He has to win her over, and sometimes her skeptical father as well. He proves he’s worthy of her by fighting against the bad guys. There’s a big battle with lots of guns, bows and arrows, and warriors on horses, and just in the nick of time, the cavalry shows up to help save the day. However it’s too late for the wise old geezer (played here by Sigourney Weaver) who breathes his last before he could learn that the good guys were going to win. The really bad guy—and he’s really bad—is the last man standing, and it takes more than one arrow to do him in. In the end, boy and girl get to kiss and ride off into the sunset.
On Jerry Saltz’s Facebook page there’s a discussion about why Avatar is a bad film. Is it because it’s pop? Or has no irony? Noooo….it’s because it’s a formula. Apparently there wasn’t enough money left over for a real screenplay, and since it was all about the special effects anyway, just like a porn film, they tacked on any old plot. “Avatar” is the Dubai of films, a vestige of that crazily affluent time, not so long ago, when people spent money on extravagant baubles just because they could.
"Avatar" (2009)
"Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948)
On Jerry Saltz’s Facebook page there’s a discussion about why Avatar is a bad film. Is it because it’s pop? Or has no irony? Noooo….it’s because it’s a formula. Apparently there wasn’t enough money left over for a real screenplay, and since it was all about the special effects anyway, just like a porn film, they tacked on any old plot. “Avatar” is the Dubai of films, a vestige of that crazily affluent time, not so long ago, when people spent money on extravagant baubles just because they could.

I agree that the plot is formulaic and for that re...
was a point in the film when I genuinely thought the bad guys might win and the natives would meet a similar fate as the Native Americans did in real life.)
However, despite an unoriginal screenplay, can't you see how the message (about war, the environment, religion, culture and civilization) are right on the
money? Special effects aside, politically it was awesome. But does that relegate it to the role of propaganda? I don't know yet, but for the record, I did enjoy the film.
Thanks, Mike! However the political message, actua...
"Westerns often portray how primitive and obsolete ways of life confronted modern technological or social changes. This may be depicted by showing conflict between natives and settlers or U.S. Cavalry or between sheep and cattle farmers, or by showing ranchers being threatened by the onset of the Industrial Revolution. American Westerns of the 1940s and 1950s emphasize the values of honor and sacrifice. Westerns from the 1960s and 1970s often have more pessimistic view, glorifying a rebellious anti-hero and highlighting the cynicism, brutality and inequality of the American West."
In the end, though, "Avatar" turns out to be more about violence than anything else. And the black and white nature of the characters, no subtlety, no understanding, contributes to an "us" and "them" mentality that's all too prevalent in the world today.
Absolutely agree with you on this Carol. Half way ...
Although the propoganda/blantent moral-lesson was bent towards my side of the political spectrum, I could not help but roll my eyes when it went over the top (which was pretty much all the time). At a certain point I decided that if I was going to enjoy the rest of the film I will just have to accept it for what it was and find my inner 8 year old. So I did and I enjoyed the special effects roller coaster ride all the way to the end.
The story/screenplay was practically irrelevant. A...
Anytime our sympathies are being manipulated the s...
The film is a wolf in sheep's clothing; while it pretends to espouse all these good things, the overriding message is that violence is the solution.
All that stuff about nature and connectedness is there simply to get us to root for the "right" side in the ultimate shoot-'em-up conflagration.
To employ yet another proverb, it doesn't practice what it preaches.
Hi Carol! Avatar was a cartoon for goodness sakes ...
Avatar was a cartoon for goodness sakes - I kept expecting Ren and Stimpy to make a cameo appearance - and if you look carefully you'll see them both on the back of one of those flying dragons. The whole movie was drenched in irony (cat faced aliens with Carl Lewis physiques - I mean, Really?) pandering to the power of programs and pogroms. That being said why would Jerry Saltz, after these last few silly months of Glenn Beck challenges and NUMU defences, have the balls to speak about irony-free cultural products when his facebook page may be the internet gateway to an irony free zone? What was all that serious blather about artist's statements the other day? By the way Carol - your comment was the best (and without a hint of irony - at least to my eye)
Carol, I was going to write something on your Blog...
But the film was good because it added this twist. The new guy does not know he is a good guy. He does not know he is "fast on the draw". He is ignorant of why the bad guys want to kill him. It is interesting in that it does something completely different with the story line, regardless of the formula. Now, about the special effects, and the three d stuff in "Avatar", give me a break. When it comes to a description of action I would take a Mark Twain understatement any day, over the most ambitious billion dollar effects, because they can't beat, "My own sweet imagination" (line from Paul Simon's kodochrome)
I felt the story was simple so that it could disso...
Unlike the western - with its blithe manifest dest...
Anyway that's the 21st century hook - only Cameron really has no resolution for that and so reverts to type in the second act - and soon we get a long and very disappointing shoot'em up - and pretty much an abandonment of the underlying issues. It has to be his stupidest movie - and that's saying something!
That stupid 1500' tree annoyed me most - the scale of the thing never really sustained - like leaves and branches when it is demolished (!!!) and when human-scale items are half the scale of the natives! All that budget still couldn't buy a little more modeling smarts.
It's bad because it promises so much and just can't deliver.
I saw the movie yesterday and was immensely disapp...
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